Thursday, 29 October 2009

Sponsoring projects

Support the NHTV to maximize the talent of our students by sponsoring: awards, challenging research projects, quest lectures, study trips etc. The academy of Real Estate and Facility Management conducts research projects. This can be done by lecturers or by graduate students supported by lecturers. Either way thorough research is a necessity for our profession to develop. Do you have a challenging research question that needs to be solved don’t hesitate and let us know.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

NHTV FM Alumni-get-together

The 5th of November 2009 NHTV Facility Management and Hotel Management are organizing an alumni-get-together at the Sibeliuslaan. We start at 4 pm till approximately 8 pm. The programme consists of:
- Welcome by Rene Hermans
- Hospitality meets facility by Mr E. Wentink (EW Services)
- Service management by Mr W. Reimers (from Herrie in het hotel en mijn tent is top)
- Network buffet
Alumni that want to participate, please register via

Monday, 5 October 2009

Logistics in health care

Logistics in health care

In the second half of my fourth year of my Facility Management studies I conducted research regarding the internal logistics for the Facilities Department of a big health care organization. Goal was to analyze of improvements could be made regarding the future growth of the organization. Reason for this research was the growth of the organization and also the increasing number of logistic flows within the organization which the Facilities Department had a hard time to control.

The different logistic flows which were involved in the research were;
· Mail
· Laundry
· Food
· Medicines
· Incontinence materials
· Cleaning materials
And in a later stadium of the research these two logistic flows were added
· Paper and office supplies
· Transport of clients of one of the locations

From an analysis of the current logistical situation became clear how the logistics in the current situation were organized and which cost aspects were important. Moreover appeared that especially the mail care did not function well within the organization because the continuity and quality of the mail care could not be guaranteed.

From the internal and external analysis became clear that there were several factors which were of influence on the position of the organization and the logistical policy. Most important factors were the fusion past what ensured a small island culture, the fragmented position of the organization and the restricted uniformity in the organization processes. Other factors which came out strong were future developments and the increasing size of the organization.

The result of a SWOT-analyze was that the organization had strong points regarding logistics which it had to exploit and weak points which could be improved. Strong points were the direct delivering of goods by some of the suppliers and the strong negotiation position the organization had as an market party. Weak points were the mail care and the costs which were not always transparent when they were related to the logistical situation.

From conversations with several people concerned and from further research became also clear that there was a need for setting up a customer transport service on one of the locations. Next to that the fusion past had some negative influence on overall organization processes. By means of these sticking points a number of improvement points were formulated which related to improving the current logistical set-up.

From research at a competitive care institution came clear that it was not interesting for the organization to build a central warehouse where all the goods were centrally collected before being distributed over the organization. This had mainly to do with high constructions costs and staff expenses which were linked to the construction of a central warehouse.

The most important conclusion is that the majority of the examined logistical processes in the current situation functions well and that only the mail care in the current logistical set-up does not function properly.

The overall recommendation is replacing the persons responsible for the mail care for a professional mail care company. Annual approximately €4,000 is saved and the frequency of the mail care increases of 3x per week to 5x per week.

With the suppliers of the incontinence materials has to be agreed that the delivering of the materials on pallets must stop. This saves the Facilities Department an annual €13,000.

The Facilities Department has to try to set up an uniform policy regarding logistics and purchases. This will prevent the rise of a proliferation of suppliers who provide goods of the same type.

Reduction of the number of suppliers can be favorable and results in larger scale advantages and discount percentages which can be stipulated at other suppliers. The integrated costs and costs which are related to the logistical situation will also decrease and become more transparent when the situation is improved.

A more intensive cooperation with one or more suppliers can possibly result in cost advantages and efficiency enlarging. Examples of this are combining several flows of goods in the central warehouse of the suppliers or digitizing the invoices. By keeping the effective logistical organization streamlined and the number of involved processes to a minimum the organization is able to react on changes (on the market) more rapidly in the future. Moreover the organization is no longer stuck to high fixed costs regarding logistics and attached processes.

By improving the current logistical situation on a number of points and by critically analyzing their own work processes the Facilities Department creates a work surrounding in which the core process of the organization will experience optimum support of the logistical process, now and in the future.

I think, the earlier mentioned situation about logistics is a situation which more health care organizations are facing nowadays. Costs, the care for the client and the shifting of the traditional health care organization to the more business like led health care of today will test if health care organizations have what it takes to compete in nowadays healt care industry...